Intuition Versus Fear. How to know the difference when making decisions in biz and life.

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2023

You may sometimes wonder why I write, speak and podcast  so much on all things mindset and spirituality in business and not more on injection techniques (although I do that too)

The reason is, it isn't really the injection technique that will propel you forward or hold you back, it is the INNER WORK.

Everything you experience in your biz and life, is a reflection of your inner self.

You really are more powerful in achieving success than you know!

When I say success, this means your definition of a beautiful life.  Your biz should help you with this, not hinder it.

We make decisions every day, from the seemingly small, to the larger ones, each having the ability to change our trajectory.

So how can we be sure that we're making these decisions from a place of true intuition, that will support our highest good, or one based out of fear and past conditioning, disguised as our intuition?

On this weeks podcast, I share a secret that's always worked for me.

I speak about how you...

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Perfectionism what it REALLY is

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2023

Learn what perfectionism REALLY is.

Why it's not the badge of honour that you think.

Why you need to drop it to achieve your greatness.

Signs it's showing up in your business.

4 beginner steps you can take to be able to move past it.

Why being excellent at your craft and being a perfectionist are not the same thing.


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Restoring mid cheek volume loss case study

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2023

This week I would like to discuss my recent client, who has just turned 50.

This lady is a regular client for softening of forehead and eye wrinkles, but had started to feel sunken, drawn and tired looking on the mid and lower face and couldn't put her finger on why.

On examination, it was evident that volume loss and flattening had began to appear to the mid cheek area and there was some loss of projection around the cheekbone area.

Changes can be mild at first, but over the years, if not addressed, this deflation can cause a sausage type fold above the nasolabial fold, which can the press down on the lower third of the face, making folds appear deeper.

For those of you who have completed my advanced dermal filler training, I explain in detail what is going on anatomically to cause these changes.

In brief we have fat pad separation and changes in fat pad volume happening under the skin, along with bone shrinkage and changes in elasticity to the actual skin.

When these changes...

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Introducing Bespoke 1 to 1 coaching Days

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2023

I'm so excited to launch my bespoke 1 to 1 coaching days.

Ideal if there's an area where you're struggling with something specific, need a little extra confidence or touch of support.

It's understandable that once you receive certification, if time lapses, or you haven't had a run of specific treatments and clients through the door, you can lose confidence or start to feel a little unsure.

Of course coaching doesn't just have to be limited to treatments. 

My passion is business growth around a life you design, so if you're struggling with any aspect of your business, we can strategize for the day and come up with a solid plan for you.

Here's a sneak peek behind a recent bespoke 1 to 1 course.

My lovely student felt that she would like a little extra coaching on the jaw, chin and lip area. 

Time had passed since she had treated these areas post certification and although she had gone back and watched the course videos, she desired extra 1 to 1 coaching for comfort and...

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About Gemma the threads that led her here and why she's on a mission

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2022

Hi to my new followers, thank you so much for joining my community, I want you to personally know, I cherish each and every person, that is on my list.

Incase you didn't know already, here's a little bit about me.

I'm 42, married to David and we have 2 children, Jack aged 13 and Ava aged 9.  We also have a 5 month old cocker spaniel, named Mabel.

I qualified as a nurse, back in the year 2000, aged 21.

I found my passion straight away in cardiology, working as a nurse on Coronary Care and quickly becoming nursing sister in Cardiac Rehabilitation aged 24 ( just a way of saying specialist nurse).

I loved my job and still miss it sometimes all these years on.

You see heart disease ran in both sides of my family and I was on a personal crusade to understand more about it and how to prevent it.  The thought process in my head was, I can help save my parents, extended family and future generations, whilst helping others in my job.

Once I learnt what I could, I craved freedom and...

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